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Being data driven is much less stressful than being purely technical. It doesn't replace your technical chops but it gives you an extra filter through which to see the market which cuts out a huge amount of screen time.


Miad's insight into economic data and the effect on the FX Markets is the most valuable tool anyone can have in their trading. It gives you the confidence to hold a swing trade and has literally transformed my trading.


Since switching to this method psych isn't really an issue tbh. Just seems to gel with my natural method of thinking and getting rid of strings of losses (as per tech only) means I don't take a hit mentally


Since joining this group it’s been tough for sure to adapt and really buy into the news flow ideas and, but I’ve since cleaned up my charts and am waiting for more simple setups in the direction of news themes and can really see these things working. I’m seeing the fruits of the news flow approach so wanted to say thanks so far to all those sharing. I can see my trading and approach taking strides for the better.


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